Virtual Transvision at Uvvy Island

On wednesday the event took place that was one of the reasons – if not the only reason – for me to sign up for a second life account: the first conference on transhumanism in a VR environment. Powered by Vivox it became possible to communicate with each other not losing time by typing your thoughts – and correcting your typos -, but by simply talking and listening. Hopefully Vivox or similar software will be integrated with Second Life in the near future. Earlier that day I did a short try out and Vivox worked perfectly, the quality of the sound was very good. But arriving at the meeting at 19.00 (GMT) some people were chatting in the old-fashione way

while Giulio Perhaps and the Vivox staff were desperately trying to get all participants ( 30 to 40 people channelled in into the microphone, the white column after the third person on the pic.

This took more than an hour of patient waiting for me; you see me here sitting in the foreground.

(for young people VR is so real, that one of my daughters compassionately remarked: “You’re sitting there all alone!”, while I was IRL with her in one room behind my notebook :-)Â )
I attended two lectures: first James Sleeper (RL name: James Hughes)

with a thought-provoking lecture on the future of transhumanism, “the world’s most dangerous idea” according to Fukuyama. Not many news for me, but, since there were also people present who are not involved in transhumanist ideas, I think a very good effort to get transhumanism accepted among less forward-looking people. Lectures were illustrated with power point presentations, that were a bit difficult to read.

Philippe Golding (RL name Philippe van der Nedervelde) lectured on VR and started of course with mentioning Neil Stephenson’s “Snow Crash” as coiner of the term “Metaverse” and sketched the next step, as outlined in Stephenson’s “Diamond Age”. Just when I realized I’ll have to reread those books, Vander Nedervelde proceeded on the path and sketched the possibilities of utility fog and finally to the point where VR is a one to one simulation of the real world, where a virtual handcuff is a handcuff and a virtual bullet is a real – lethal – bullet As a consequence of the delay I had to leave after the second lecture, so I wasn’t able to participate in the Transhumanist Party. However, it was fascinating to stand at the cradle of advanced VR, a baby that will grown up very soon. Within five to ten years our lives might take place in VR half of the time.

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  • The Aesthetics and Beauty of Knowledge

    Shih was the opposite of facts and raw information; shih was the elegance of knowledge, the insight and skill to organize knowledge into meaningful patterns. As an artist chooses colours or light to make her pictures, a master of shih chooses textures of knowledge – various ideas, myths, abstractions, and theories – to create a way of seeing the world. The aesthetics and beauty of knowledge – this was shih.

    – David Zindell, The Broken God, 1993

  • Geek Attitude

    The attitude thing is about flexibility, portability, creativity, sociability and jamming (ran out of suitable “ity” words!). It’s about improvising – in the practical and musical senses of the word; not getting tangled in boundaries and the “right” way to do things.
    Definitely the only way to travel.
    Martin Delaney – “Laptop Music”.