Opus 12 – Mystic Land

Another Renoise project. This one was inspired by the Renoise Music Competition to make music for the RPG Immortal Empire. Especially the winning song, “Goddess of Fate” by Jacek Dojwa inspired me to write something melodic, instead of Just Some Noise.
Well, it was quite easy to make the beginning, because I was extraordinarily inspired when I started on 11 May 2009. So there was an inventio, but I had a lot of trouble with the elaboratio. In fact I had a hard time working out what was in my head, and in the next few weeks the music became worse with every minute I spent working on it.
Yesterday, 6 June 2009, the Dutch composer Louis Andriessen celebrated his 70th birthday. I read an interview with him in “De Volkskrant” where he said that if you got stuck, you can find the problem usually some bars before the place where you got stuck. Of course he was right! I decided to delete a whole section of the piece, of course the tracks I was not satisfied with and just finish it. The result is a rather short piece with plucked harmonies I like.

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  • The Aesthetics and Beauty of Knowledge

    Shih was the opposite of facts and raw information; shih was the elegance of knowledge, the insight and skill to organize knowledge into meaningful patterns. As an artist chooses colours or light to make her pictures, a master of shih chooses textures of knowledge – various ideas, myths, abstractions, and theories – to create a way of seeing the world. The aesthetics and beauty of knowledge – this was shih.

    – David Zindell, The Broken God, 1993

  • Geek Attitude

    The attitude thing is about flexibility, portability, creativity, sociability and jamming (ran out of suitable “ity” words!). It’s about improvising – in the practical and musical senses of the word; not getting tangled in boundaries and the “right” way to do things.
    Definitely the only way to travel.
    Martin Delaney – “Laptop Music”.