
Very simple, this ambient tune. Very short also.

I invented the chord sequence accidentally during my work on april, 11th. I recorded it in FLStudio and nothing happened for almost two weeks. Tonight I had the inspiration to finish it and added the melodies, using Image-line’s Sytrus for the blow-bottle preset and Computer Musics free Zebra Synth. This one is hard to play real time, and quantizing didn’t fix it, so the sloppy playing, partially due to the latency of my Neon sound card, is maintained.

However, I have to move on, so I baptized my Opus 4 “Melancholy”, as a tribute to the remembrance of better times 🙂


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  • The Aesthetics and Beauty of Knowledge

    Shih was the opposite of facts and raw information; shih was the elegance of knowledge, the insight and skill to organize knowledge into meaningful patterns. As an artist chooses colours or light to make her pictures, a master of shih chooses textures of knowledge – various ideas, myths, abstractions, and theories – to create a way of seeing the world. The aesthetics and beauty of knowledge – this was shih.

    – David Zindell, The Broken God, 1993

  • Geek Attitude

    The attitude thing is about flexibility, portability, creativity, sociability and jamming (ran out of suitable “ity” words!). It’s about improvising – in the practical and musical senses of the word; not getting tangled in boundaries and the “right” way to do things.
    Definitely the only way to travel.
    Martin Delaney – “Laptop Music”.