Geektests Galore

In the preparation of Geek Pride Day next week (May 25th) I was surfing the Web for new pages on Geekism and stumbled on, again, another geektest. Actually it is called a Nerdtest, but who cares – since Geek Pride Day is the same as Nerd Pride Day. So – couldn’t resist – filled in the survey and guess what? 94% – Supreme Nerd!

Rather high, but, no kidding, the test was too easy. So I took the follow-up test, nerd test 2.0 and: High Nerd!

That boosted my self confidence! Earlier I complained about my results at, where I was ranked “Average Geek – still far away from the geek ideal” in this post.
A different kind of geektest is Wired’s 100 skills list that I consider as a study program, a To-Do list, like monkeylinux. There are also shorter lists, like this one at Geekend.
Of course, these tests cannot touch the original Geektest, that btw was recently updated to version 3.14 – hmm, interesting. My score was 42,01183 % in version 3.1, but today, a little overconfident, I took the test without cheating and that gave me a setback: 41.32841%.  Disappointed!! But: still Major Geek.

Major Geek, Average Geek with Nerd tendencies, or Supreme/High Nerd? Still not sure which category I will fit in. 🙁 The Venn diagram says I’m Geek, but here is a comparison chart that almost excludes me from the species.
Does it really matter which I am? Be honest, it is just a tag. that allows your family. your friends and, supposed you’re proud enough to wear it, you to feel comfortable about the fact that you prefer solving computer problems or reading a book over watching a sitcom on television or doing the smalltalk-thing.

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  • The Aesthetics and Beauty of Knowledge

    Shih was the opposite of facts and raw information; shih was the elegance of knowledge, the insight and skill to organize knowledge into meaningful patterns. As an artist chooses colours or light to make her pictures, a master of shih chooses textures of knowledge – various ideas, myths, abstractions, and theories – to create a way of seeing the world. The aesthetics and beauty of knowledge – this was shih.

    – David Zindell, The Broken God, 1993

  • Geek Attitude

    The attitude thing is about flexibility, portability, creativity, sociability and jamming (ran out of suitable “ity” words!). It’s about improvising – in the practical and musical senses of the word; not getting tangled in boundaries and the “right” way to do things.
    Definitely the only way to travel.
    Martin Delaney – “Laptop Music”.